Emotional Labor Co. is a feminist, multi-media culture-making magical entity created by Mireya Lucio and Sallie Merkel.
Emotional Labor Corp projects include:
Our So-Called Sleepover, or, Freud and Jung Crash 1995 Through a Ouija Board, a semi-autobiographical theatrical performance of female hysteria, karaoke dreamscapes, cannon feminist texts and Seventeen Magazine advice columns, presented most recently at Automata as part of the LAX Festival.
The Witches’ Cabarets series, an ongoing, devised performance project that creates temporary covens of female and non-binary performers to develop witch-themed evening cabarets:
-We Put a Spell on You (Machine Project’s Mystery Theatre, May 2016)
-Witch House (CalArts, February 2018)
-Love Spells (Mast on Fig, February 2019)
-Casting into the Unknown (Virtual portal, May 2020)
The Commons, a cable access-style morning show for witches, by witches.